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Haarkreide, Metallische Glitter Temporäre Haarkreide, CIDBEST® 6 Farben Tragbare Hair Chalk Set, Halloween Sexy Haarkreide, Metallic Glitter Temporary Hair Color,Edge Blendable Chalkers, Haarfarbe dauert bis zu 2-3 Tage, Arbeiten auf allen Arten der Haarfarbe für Kinder und Teenager Karneval, Halloween, Partys etc.

9,99 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 17:36
Ingredients: Deionized water, glycerin, stearic acid, toner 1. 6 Rainbow Color Metallic Glitter Temporary Portable Hair Chalk Pens, 2.Color: Silver/ Yellow/ Rose/ Purple/ Green/ Blue. 3. New Hair Chalk Cream Technology Self Seals in 60 seconds. No need for hair spray. 4. Can be applied to dry hair of any color. Lasts Up To 3 Days, No Mess, Easy To Use, Easy To Wash Out with Shampoo . 5. Please do not touch it while it is wet, Safe for hair and skin. Non Toxic. Recommended for children 8 years of age and older. 6. Try to wash a few more time if the colors are not washed out completely. Please be careful near water and rain also snow as the chalk may stain your clothes.


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9,99 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 17:36

9,99 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 17:36