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Zahngel Gengigel 20ml

9,26 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 16:26
A natural gel that can assist in tissue healing, reduction of inflammation and is clinically proven to heal mouth ulcers in 5 days.Gengigel contains hyaluronan (a natural substance found in the connective tissues of the body), and xylitol (a naturally occurring carbohydrate). Hyaluronan (a natural healing agent) is an established aid to surgery, which stimulates tissue regeneration.Xylitol inhibits the growth of bacteria, in particular Strep Mutans, the main bacteria responsible for cavities.Gengigel can be used to assist with the treatment of the following:• Mouth ulcers (canker sores, recurrent aphthous stomatitis).• Gingivitis.• Periodontitis.• Receding gums.• Care after oral surgery.• Oral lichen planus.In trials at the University of Rostock in Germany, scientists found it can boost tissue healing by up to a half, increase blood supply and reduce inflammation. Hyaluronan, the active agent in Gengigel, has been used for years by doctors to boost regrowth of connective tissue throughout the body.Applying hyaluronan as a mouth rinse or gel strengthens cell walls and gets cells to stick together. The tissue grows back faster, while being able to resist re-infection.


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9,26 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 16:26

9,26 €

Zuletzt aktualisiert am: 19. Februar 2018 16:26